We’re being social: TB/SVM Directory Notifications Pre-Launch!!!

Fang meets Fairy and other encounters

The future SVM/TB Directory: Fangbangers Anonymous is now on twitter and facebook and here’s why:

There’s one major drawback with WordPress and it’s this: it can for absolutely no discernible reason stop sending followers of a blog notifications of updates through email and/or the WP reader for an unknown period of time. Usually clicking unfollow and following again helps alleviate the problem or simply waiting it out while WP restores itself but you may not be aware you’re missing notifications in the meantime.

I have been hearing a lot of noises of complaints lately that this is happening again and since this was already a known grievance I have been experimenting with a workaround solution for the new TB/SVM Directory site so that we can provide notifications without arbitrary interruption. Launch of that solution was scheduled to coincide with the actual site but since it appears so difficult to get all…

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VampAngel79: Fan Fiction Archive

SVM Fan Fiction. Eric/Sookie <3


Vampires to me have always been very sexy. (Stephen Dorff)

Girl Named Flareon

One crazy Fan Fiction writer

Morgaine Swann

Virtual biographer for H.R.H. Eric Northman and family


Dead to Love Again


I love to read


Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.


ARTIST AND WRITER | HISTORIC enthusiast | EARTH LOVER | and more...


SVM/ True Blood Fanfiction


My continuation of my fanfiction stories.


Obsessed with Korean Music, Asian Dramas, Anime, Manga and the like!


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Where my fantasies become my reality.

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Eric and Sookie, Eric Northman, Sookie Stackhouse

Lady Annachronism

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Slyamber's World

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Stories By Lilly Gray

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Always Happy Ever After


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